Established 1909




(As amended from time to time in General Meeting)


1.   NAME

The Association shall be called THE LANCASHIRE AUTHORS' ASSOCIATION with the sub-title 'For Writers or Lovers of Lancashire Literature and History'.


The objects of the Association shall be to foster and stimulate public interest in the literature (including the dialect) and history of the County Palatine of Lancaster by holding members' meetings at which papers may be presented and entertainment provided, by the publication of a journal comprised substantially of the prize-winning entries of membership competitions, by the maintenance of a library primarily concerned with the works of Lancashire writers and by the pursuit of any other methods to promote fellowship within the Association including the encouragement of new writers.


All persons interested in Lancashire Literature and History are eligible for membership as Life Patron, Life Member, Individual Member, Joint Members, Junior Member (under 18) or Library Member. Each applicant shall forward a signed proposal form, with subscription, to the Membership Secretary.


The annual subscription for membership (due 1st January in advance) shall be as approved from time to time in General Meeting, Special Notice having been given in advance.


Honorary Members of the Association may be elected upon a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee. Such Honorary Members shall be ineligible for election to the Executive Committee.


The Association shall meet periodically but at least three times each year in one or other of the towns or cities of the historic County Palatine of Lancaster; one of these meetings shall be the Annual General Meeting. The format of each meeting shall be determined by the Executive Committee.


7.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held in March, and shall be devoted, principally to the general affairs of the Association. It shall receive and consider reports from all the Association's Officials, and the decisions and recommendations of its Executive Committee; it shall elect the Executive Committee for the forthcoming year, and direct points of policy and other such business as may be considered necessary for the welfare and advancement of the Association.

7.2 An extraordinary general meeting may be called by an application to the Chairman which is supported by at least 25% of the membership. After establishing that the application is supported by 25% of the membership the Chairman must arrange the extraordinary meeting.


The Executive Committee shall be composed of: The President, The Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor of the Association's Journal (The Record'), Membership Secretary, Publicity Secretary, Competitions’ Secretary and Librarian. All the Committee, except The President, shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election. In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Executive Committee it shall be entitled to fill such vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting. Nominations for the Executive Committee, bearing the written assent of the nominee to serve if elected, shall be in the hands of the Secretary not less than seven days prior to the Annual General Meeting. If the number of nominations exceeds the vacancies then the meeting shall proceed to elect the members by ballot. The Executive Committee may co-opt extra members not named in the constitution for a period of not more than one year provided that a report of the reasons is made to the Annual General Meeting.




It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to govern the working of the Association in accordance with the spirit of this Constitution. The Executive Committee shall meet at such times as it may deem necessary. Four members shall form a quorum.




President: It shall be the duty of the President at all meetings of the Association to welcome members, guests and visiting dignitaries, to open the proceedings and then pass over the conduct of the meetings to the Chairman. The President shall require the Executive Committee to write a development plan to ensure that the aims of the Association are met and that it continues to grow and develop. Further to ensure that the Executive Committee present that plan to the Annual General Meeting for consideration by members.

Chairman: It shall be the duty of the Chairman to preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee. At meetings of the Executive Committee the Chairman will ensure that there is agreement as to what is written in the minutes and require that the Secretary distributes the agreed minutes promptly. The Chairman will also cause the Executive Committee to set dates in advance for meetings of the executive committee as provided in Rule 9 further ensuring that the Secretary distributes the necessary paperwork in advance of the meeting. The Chairman may cancel meetings if the need for them proves redundant but must ensure that there are at least three meetings a year. In the event of an emergency the Chairman may call an extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman has the casting vote.

Deputy Chairman: the duty of the Deputy Chairman shall be to act in the absence of the Chairman and assume all the full powers of the Chairman.

Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to: send out the papers for each meeting of the Association in advance whether of the Executive Committee or the whole Association; keep minutes of all the Association's business and ordinary meetings and distribute those minutes to relevant parties; maintain the correspondence of the Association and keep the Executive Committee informed where necessary; undertake the directions given by the Executive Committee.

Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to manage all financial transactions of the Association, keep proper records and produce a financial statement to the Executive Committee at their meetings. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of the books for annual audit and shall prepare a Statement of Accounts for presentation to the Annual General Meeting. At the first EC meeting following the Annual General Meeting the Treasurer shall produce a draft budget for consideration by the committee.

Membership Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Membership Secretary to maintain a complete and up to date record of all members with such detail as is required by the Executive Committee which may change over time. Further the membership secretary shall send out reminders to all members in order that all annual subscriptions are paid and report to the Treasurer as necessary.

Editor of the Record: It shall be the duty of the Editor of ‘The Record' to take charge of the official journal: keep its contents non-controversial and of a nature calculated to promote the interest of the Association in general and of Lancashire Literature and History; include a report of all meetings for insertion in ‘The Record'; publish ‘The Record’ quarterly, or as otherwise agreed; and reflect as far as possible the activities of the Association and its members.

Librarian: It shall be the duty of the Librarian to receive works produced by members, and other works distinctly pertaining to Lancashire, and to place them with the Association's Library which is housed at Accrington Library. The Librarian shall (a) keep a catalogue of the items in our library, (b) prepare a quarterly list of the recent additions for publication in The Record', and (c) assist members and the general public in making use of our Library on such conditions as the Association may determine.

Competitions’ Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Competitions’ Secretary to make all necessary arrangements for the annual and other competitions run by the Association and to organise the presentation of awards on the Awards’ Day(s). The Competitions’ Secretary shall find suitably qualified adjudicators and keep a register of the same. All entry fees received by the Competitions’ Secretary will be passed to the Treasurer for banking.

Publicity Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Publicity Secretary to ensure that the activities of the Association are made known to the people and organisations within the County of Lancashire (or wider if deemed necessary and appropriate) and to ensure that particular events receive appropriate levels of publicity.

Duty of all Officers: It shall be the duty of all officers to tender a report at the Annual General Meeting on their work for the association during the preceding year.


11. One or two Auditors shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting; their duty shall be to examine the financial transactions of the Association as set forth in the Treasurer's Books and Statement of Account and to report thereon to the ensuing Annual General Meeting

12. Local branches of the Association may, with the approval of the Executive Committee, be formed where groups of members so desire; all such branches must be self-supporting, and must work in conjunction with the central body in carrying out this Constitution. Members of such local branches who are not members of the parent Association shall be termed and known as 'Branch Associates'.

13. The constitution of the association may only be changed at a general meeting and by a resolution supported by at least two thirds of the members present at that meeting.

14. The Executive committee shall maintain arrangements to be known as “Standing Arrangements”. These arrangements must include protocols for banking, expenses, competition adjudicators, proxy voting and the disbandment of the association.

This revised version drafted in August 2012 and February 2013 and passed at the Annual General Meeting on 16th March 2013